How to Detect and Prevent Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is a cancer that attacks the breast tissue is taken from sources wikipedia. Breast cancer is one type of cancer most often affects women; although it did not rule can also affect men, but the ratio is only 1: 1000. This cancer is also included one of the 5 most dangerous types of cancer. Treatment of breast cancer is the most common surgery; and if necessary, followed by chemotherapy or radiation.
 Breast Cancer

Causes of Breast Cancer
That said, almost all types of existing cancer has a specific cause and different. For example, many skin cancers are caused by ultraviolet rays. Meanwhile, many lung cancer caused by cigarette smoke. However, until now not yet certain what exactly the underlying causes of breast cancer. Yes, some things can be a factor in breast cancer, for example: genetic factors, environmental, and hormonal. Women are vulnerable to these factors also susceptible to breast cancer.

Based on some studies, the majority of women with breast cancer are aged over 50 years. This means that the older the age, the greater the risk of breast cancer. Another factor not to be underestimated is heredity. If there are family members, such as parents (mother) or grandmother, who had a history of this disease, the risk of developing breast cancer increases. Breast cancer can also occur due to the expansion of cancer in other parts of the body. Another factor is that an unhealthy lifestyle, for example, the habit of eating foods that contain a lot of chemicals as well as alcohol consumption and smoking.

How Breast Cancer Prevention
Preventing breast cancer is the actual work is not heavy. Diet and a healthy lifestyle is an example. An estimated one third of cancer cases are caused by diet (dietary habits). A good diet can help maintain and improve the immune system and prevent disease. Foods rich in fiber, which is also good for the process of losing weight, it can help reduce prolactin and estrogen, two hormones that proved "instrumental" in the formation of cancer (carcinogenesis).

Reduce consumption and saturated fat levels in the body also helps reduce the risk of this disease. Foodstuffs such as soy are known to inhibit the growth of tumors. Vegetables rich in vitamin A such as carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, and green leafy vegetables such as spinach, mustard greens, kale etc. It can also help reduce the risk of this disease; because vitamin A to prevent the formation of cancer-causing cell mutation. Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamin C can also help reduce the risk of this disease.

How To Detect Breast Cancer
It is most commonly discussed in an effort to independently detect breast cancer is a lump in the breast. However, not all lumps in the breast are cancer symptoms. Therefore, after a positive feel a lump in your breast, immediately perform further diagnosis by experts.

Another indication of this cancer is the appearance of a lump in the armpit, breast pain, change in the color or texture of the breast, nipple sticking out, the areola (the area around the nipple) or nipple changes color to brown is not as usual. In some cases, the detection is made of liquid emerging from the nipple: a yellowish, greenish, or pus.

The key to immediately defend against this cancer is early detection. The majority of breast cancer cases resulting in death is a lack of awareness of early symptoms and detection as early as possible. Generally, what happens is the patient to consult a doctor after cases of breast cancer are at an advanced stage. Of course, the healing process will be more difficult if more cases of breast cancer are in the end stages.
Simbol Cancer

Detection own way
You can perform detection independently and regularly with a few simple steps. Examination should be conducted regularly every month, after 4-7 days of menstruation. Here are some steps:

  1. Standing in front of a mirror with your shoulders straight. Put your hands on your hips. Try to note your breast and see if there are changes in color, shape, or size.
  2. Raise your hands up and see whether there would be physical changes seen in your breast.
  3. Press nipple and see if there is a discharge.
  4. Lie down and try to touch your left breast with your right hand, and vice versa. Make a circular motion and try to feel for lumps in your breast.
  5. While sitting or standing, breast massage and feel for any lumps. Do the same thing from the armpit to the abdomen.
Most people who get a positive diagnosis would be emotionally depressed; feel that breast cancer is like a death sentence, although the healing process can still be done; especially if it is still in its early stages. Psychologically, the effect could be much more, patients can reach the stage of depression. Therefore, the support of family, friends, and the surrounding environment is needed.

Joined by a diverse group of people with cancer is one of the solutions to face pressure due to this disease. In addition to support, patients also will get the right information about cancer, and do not get stuck with the wrong information, cornering, and it can aggravate emotional pressure.

One in preventing a disease is the spirit, and the most important thing is "better to prevent than cure" may be useful.

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